
Stuffed Fish (Ikan Cencaru Sumbat)

There are two kinds of stuffing for this dish. One is with chillies and onions, and the other one is by using chillies and grated coconut flesh. Both are tasty. For this recipe, I use the former. Malaysians prefer to use cencaru but you can also use any fish that you prefer provided that the fish is in a medium to large size. Do try!

Ingredients A
2 cencaru fish, cleaned and marinade with salt and turmeric powder
oil, for frying

Ingredients B - Stuffing ( to be pounded)
6 red fresh chillies
2 bird's eye chillies (cili padi)
1 big onion
1 inch shrimp paste (belacan)
1 lime juice
1 tea spoon sugar
salt, to taste

1. When the fish is cleaned, cut across the back of the fish and make a slit to open the fish for the stuffing. Marinade the fish with salt and turmeric powder.

2. In a pounder, pound ingredients B until fine.

3. Take out some amount of the stuffing and stuff both sides in a generous portion.

4. Heat some oil in a pan. When the oil is hot, fry the fish until golden brown. Best taken with plain white rice or on its own.

*serves 1 - 2 people

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